Sunday, May 9, 2010

Observation of the evening

"The main goal of terrorist attacks anywhere is to drive the victims crazy: to goad them into doing stupid, violent things that ultimately play into the hands of those who planned the attacks. Terrorism is a kind of political jiu-jitsu in which a relatively weak group (like al-Qaeda) attempts to trick a far stronger enemy (like the US government) into a self-defeating response.
.... The last thing al-Qaeda wants is for the infidels to go home."

- Gwynne Dyer, independent journalist.


  1. I believe this observation by Gwynne Dyer. al Qaeda is a weak group, and seems to be getting weaker not stronger. But the right wingers in America want us to be afraid, be very afraid and give them the power to protect us, not the Democrats. Oh hell NO, They can't protect us.....

    It's just a game to them to win back the power...

  2. I believe you're right Magpie and that just doensm't play well into the hands of the right-wingers who have the US paralyzed wth fear - right where they want them

  3. Thanks for coming everyone.
    The Right wing talking heads who whip up hysteria should be castigated for abetting the goal of the terrorists in fracturing the peace of the country with a disproportionate fear - one that is corrosive, divisive and hindrance to the best qualities of American life. The danger is real... but none of their partisan and hollow noise-making is productive or helpful.
