" The Australian government has warned of an imminent terrorist attack in the Indian capital Delhi just months before the Commonwealth Games are held in the city. Strong terrorism alerts for Delhi were issued by several Western governments, including the US, yesterday. ''Specific and credible information indicates that terrorist attacks in New Delhi, especially in markets, may be imminent...'' "
- Matt Wade, reporting in New Delhi for The Age.
For "terrorist attack" read shooting and or explosions in crowded places.
Not illegal immigration, not people smuggling, not refugees....
Rather... People who want to KILL you - not who want to have a job like yours, and have a refrigerator full of food, like yours.
Not illegal immigration, not people smuggling, not refugees....
Rather... People who want to KILL you - not who want to have a job like yours, and have a refrigerator full of food, like yours.
I have the perfect fix - send Jan Brewer to Dehli. She'll stop everyone with dark skin and ask them for their papers. That'sll keep the moron's great, great, great grandchildren busy.