Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The toxic Glenn Beck

Christopher Hitchens on something very nasty and tragic unfolding in the United States today:

Beck’s “9/12 Project” is canalizing old racist and clerical toxic-waste material that a healthy society had mostly flushed out of its system more than a generation ago, and injecting it right back in again. Things that had hidden under stones are being dug up and re-released. And why? So as to teach us anew about the dangers of “spending and deficits”? It’s enough to make a cat laugh. No, a whole new audience has been created, including many impressionable young people, for ideas that are viciously anti-democratic and ahistorical. The full effect of this will be felt farther down the road, where we will need it even less.

Read the whole thing here. Few can say it better.

I have to quote you this bit, however...

Glenn Beck has not even been encouraging his audiences to reread Robert Welch. No, he has been inciting them to read the work of W. Cleon Skousen, a man more insane and nasty than Welch and a figure so extreme that ultimately even the Birch-supporting leadership of the Mormon Church had to distance itself from him. It’s from Skousen’s demented screed The Five Thousand Year Leap (to a new edition of which Beck wrote a foreword, and which he shoved to the position of No. 1 on Amazon) that he takes all his fantasies about a divinely written Constitution, a conspiratorial secret government, and a future apocalypse. To give you a further idea of the man: Skousen’s posthumously published book on the “end times” and the coming day of rapture was charmingly called The Cleansing of America. A book of his with a less repulsive title, The Making of America, turned out to justify slavery and to refer to slave children as “pickaninnies.” And, writing at a time when the Mormon Church was under attack for denying full membership to black people, Skousen defended it from what he described as this “Communist” assault.

Look upon the far Right... and be horrified.
They are slime under the rock of human enlightenment.


  1. Pound for pound, Glenn's not as bad as Sarah. I hate to try to sort this out in vileness-per-square-inch, but you need some kind of metrics.

  2. Scumbagness per centimeter then.

  3. Well, Magpie, it's now January 8, and I guess it didn't take long to prove this post right.

  4. No it didn't take long, did it?

    As I just wrote on another blog.... "In the coming days the malignant Right will devote considerable time to denying their connivance in fomenting the impetus for this atrocity. They will probably even call the shooter a Leftist."
