Monday, November 1, 2010

Animal Kingdom

A film about the Melbourne underworld, based around a true and horrific event I remember.


  1. Is this a true story Magpie? Very compelling!

  2. Looks interesting, I'll have to check it out.

    Sometimes my naiveté gets the better of me, I hadn’t even considered such a thing going on there.

  3. Sue,

    It's based on true events and the lives of some not very nice people, yes.

    The shootings of policemen Tynan and Eyre in October 1988 and the subsequent investigation are what I remember. Before that and after that is a protracted saga of crime that I don't remember so cohesively because I was out of the country for a lot of it, and it happened over a long period.


    There are worlds right next to our own that we can't even see....

    There was a long gangland war in Melbourne that involved 36 murders, some of which are not conclusively solved, from 1998 to April this year, when the kingpin behind it all was beaten to death inside a maximum security prison by a fellow inmate.

    This film is not about that, but a television drama based on it was made. I haven't seen it. It was banned in the state of Victoria on account of cases that are still before the courts.

    Now all this is just a long weekend in the context of something like the Mexican narco wars, but it's a hideous spree by our standards.

    If you're interested in this, there's a good summary here:
