Sunday, November 21, 2010

Plutocratic Fascism?

I was idly poking around the net and found some interesting quotes by people who are extremely concerned about the future of their country. I don't know who wrote them.

Nearly 10 years old, but it hits the mark:

" I'm afraid your suspicions regarding the rise of plutocratic fascism are correct. Southern Conservative Christians are peripheral to the ultimate purpose of this coup, but are essential to provide popular support. The truth is that really big money has coalesced for the purpose of turning back the tide of economic leveling that was quickly destroying the basis of the relative power upon which plutocrats rely. "

this dated to 6 months before 9/11 (and no I'm not one who thinks it was an inside job):

" Republican representatives are almost openly advocating a state religion. A destruction of welfare and social security. A militarized USA and the creation of foreign provocation to set off the need of military action which will facilitate internal police control of dissent. "


" We fear the term fascism because it exists very close to the surface of America's skin. Corporatism, or corporate fascism, is the American form of this disease. It has thrived here unchallenged for several decades. And it has rewritten our language of social discourse at the same time it has taken half the wealth of this nation and concentrated it in the hands of a few. "

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