Thursday, November 18, 2010

Guns... yeah totally worth it...

"A rural Wisconsin man blasted his television set with a shotgun after watching Bristol Palin's Dancing with the Stars routine, saying he was fed up with politics and Palin wasn't a very good dancer, according to US court documents.

Steven Cowan, 67, of the town of Vermont, about 15 miles west of Madison, then pointed the gun at his wife, 66-year-old Janice Cowan, who escaped and called police, authorities said. A SWAT team surrounded the couple's farmhouse, and officers were able to talk Cowan out on Tuesday morning after an all-night standoff.

Cowan had been drinking before he sat down to watch Dancing with the Stars and suffers from bipolar disorder, his wife told officers."

BUT.... uncontrolled gun ownership makes society safter from liberals, minorities, gay people, socialists, Martians, and Hollow Earth people.... Right??
Of course it does.


  1. This was featured on Rush Limbaugh's show.

    Your lurch into sarcasm is unwarranted here, this man was watching 'Dancing with the Stars' thereby showing he is LIBERAL.

    The Palin member featured on the show is not a politician nor is the show political in nature which proves LIBERALS are unhinged after our recent mid-term election.

    They state that that he is bi-polar, but at the same time about two weeks ago a study was done determining a "LIBERAL" gene.

    Yes, we in the U.S. have the 2nd Amendment but people are screened before they can get a license for a weapon, they just need to screen for the "LIBERAL" gene so as to deny them as they have been proven to be not only a danger to themselves but also the society at large.

  2. "This was featured on Rush Limbaugh's show."

    I don't care what that slimy coward has to say about anything, Christopher.

    "this man was watching 'Dancing with the Stars' thereby showing he is LIBERAL"

    Really? I thought it meant he had exceedingly poor taste in TV or simply nothing better to do.
    Why is it a liberal show, Christopher? Did they not lynch anyone?

    "The Palin member featured on the show is not a politician nor is the show political in nature which proves LIBERALS are unhinged after our recent mid-term election."

    That is self-condtradictory.

    "They state that he is bi-polar"

    Regarding that I feel sorry for him and his family. And anyone he shoots.

    "a study was done determining a "LIBERAL" gene"

    You mean millions of years of human evolution was all designed for petty political leanings....? Hilarious.

    "but people are screened before they can get a license for a weapon"


    "they just need to screen for the "LIBERAL" gene"

    And then what? Decide your precious 2nd Amendment doesn't apply to them, revoke their citizenship and have them shot?
