Friday, July 16, 2010

Ratigan slams Brady

Quote of the segment is probably Ratigan's where he talks about his country being raped of its money...

Meanwhile the robber barons of Wall Street continue to get away with it.

Ratigan must have known that Brady would evade his question and stick to Republican talking points, so in a sense all this was just theatre. It might have served everyone better if he'd had Brady paired with someone who is prepared to answer the question, and then people would have information along with the theatre.
But Ratigan makes his point: "What's keeping our recovery from gaining steam is the fact that the financial industry is stealing America's money, depriving this country of any investment whatsoever..."

Like I said...robber barons.


  1. I saw this interview, Dylan does get a little impatient doesn't he? LOL! If he would let the person talk we could hear the stupid talking points from the right. He needs to calm down a bit, he's a good guy and I don't want to see him get the boot!

  2. "Consumers are holding onto their cash." What? What fucking consumers? They're all unemployed. They have to "cash."

    Typical "spend, spend spend" rhetoric started by King George II

  3. Sue, these sorts of exchanges are interesting to me because I've never seen an exchange like this in our political scene, except between politicians and even then there was a moderator.

    Boomer, consumers do indeed have to spend in order to build momentum for economic recovery, but as you say that isn't going to happen if they simply don't have the cash.

    We had stimulus packages that were essentially a gift to consumers - 'here's 700 bucks, go spend it'. At the same time the Reserve Bank slashed interest rates. That worked for us but the issues in the US are more structural and systematic in nature, and the same approach probably would not have worked.
