Thursday, July 15, 2010

France bans the Burqa, Iran bans the mullet.

I'm tempted to say banning the mullet might prove Iran's cultural advancement over France... but that would be having a joke and this is kind of serious....

"In an attempt to rid the country of "decadent Western cuts", Iran's culture ministry has produced a catalogue of haircuts that meet government approval. The list of banned styles includes ponytails, mullets and elaborate spikes."

Good thing I'm bald and don't need to worry about this when in Iran. Good thing my wife's culture runs to kimonos instead of burqas and there isn't legislation about what she can and can't wear.

Are we even now, children....Or do we have to ban something else?
Can I wear a ski mask in Paris?

I heard local radio host Lindy Burns relate an anecdote about how she started up a casual conversation with an Australian Muslim lady wearing a burqa. Burns said it was a nice colour. The lady commented that when she wears her purple one, people seem more afraid of her.

Is this what we have come to... where a colour will decide whether a bit of cultural attire evokes fear?

If a woman freely wants to wear a burqa I'm fine with that. If she wants to dress as a Klingon, I'm fine with that too.
How about we all just don't care what other people wear?

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