Monday, July 26, 2010

What we weren't being told

A sequel of sorts to this post.

Wikileaks has done it again. This time, though.... they've REALLY done it:

"The US has emphatically restated its mission in Afghanistan while condemning the leaking of a trove of secret military field reports that lay bare the grim reality of the nine-year conflict, including the apparent duplicity of ally Pakistan. A statement by National Security Adviser General James Jones implied that the leaked material was out of date and had been overtaken by President Barack Obama's ''surge'' strategy, now under way. But the statement did not deny key judgments drawn from the 92,000 documents released by whistleblower website WikiLeaks: that the Pakistan military had been aiding insurgent groups and that coalition forces were struggling alongside an Afghan government, police force and army of questionable loyalty and competence."

You'll have heard or read all about it by now... the Taliban are using heat-seeking missiles against allied aircraft, how the Pakistani intelligence service is playing both sides against the middle, how civilians have been killed in numbers far beyond those reported... how utterly screwed we are in the war in Afghanistan...

I want to believe there's a point to all this, but are our people (Australia is the biggest contributor of military to the effort outside of NATO) being killed over there just to save face with a protracted pullout and handover?


  1. And how many times did King George II state that "he is determined to stop Iraq and Afghanistan from becoming his Vietnam"

    We're in a quagmire that we'll be lucky to get out of at all. In fact, it feels to me so much like Vietnam my guess is that we'll be invading Pakistan in the not so distant future too.

    I always feel the need to apologize to the world for my government. I'm ashamed and embarrassed by their stupendous mishandling of foreign policy and for bullying the world into submission.

    But, I don't think it's going to last much longer. Just as Afghanistan ushered the USSR into financial ruin, I believe the US is on the verge of the same. Perhaps then the world will live in relative peace, for a short time, until China begins their journey into world-wide domination.

  2. You posted this two hours ago? Don't you ever sleep? :-)

  3. I do sleep. Just doesn't feel like it sometimes ;-)

    What blogging I do usually gets done late in the evening. Around about dawn where you are.
