Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Entrepreneurial crocodile - not socialist at all

Park rangers have been moved to lament the loss of the work ethic of the average Australian crocodile.

As reported by APP:

“Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service rangers have nabbed a lazy crocodile intent on nicking the catch of the day from fishermen on Cape York. The four-metre croc had started venturing onto the banks of the Mungkun River at Pormpuraaw in search of a free fish lunch.”

Good heavens... crocodiles attempting to eat things in their own habitat... who'd have thought it?

“Environment Minister Kate Jones said the croc had also been trying to pinch fish from fishing lines,” the report states.

...in rivers inhabited by his species for millions of years.

The loss of Bjelke-Petersen's control over the state after 1987 has clearly eroded his reptilian conservative morals among its wildlife.


  1. That croc's no socialist. He's an entrepreneurial crocodile, making the best of a new invasive species (humans) in his habitat.

  2. Hm, I see one shoe and a tack box. Did the croc eat the owner. He does look like he's sleeping after a nice big meal.

  3. Nabbed the croc?? What the hell is a croc supposed to do; bait the fucking hooks for the fishermen?

    Seems to me that if you're fishing in water with beasts like that, you'd have to expect an encounter or two.

  4. You're right, Infidel, I should have titled the post "entrepreneurial croc".

    No this croc didn't kill anyone, tnlib, but it certainly would given the right opportunity.

    You wouldn't find me fishing near a river in Cape York, Boomer.
