Thursday, February 18, 2010

Ruby Hunter

Ruby Hunter died today, aged about 55.

She was an aclaimed singer songwriter from Murray Bridge, South Australia, and of the Ngarrindjeri Aborginal nation.
Her partner is Archie Roach, a powerful voice of indigenous Australians. They met while they were both living on the street at around 16. In later life they made their home into a sort of refuge for troubled Aboriginal youth.

She was a member of the 'stolen generations' - Aboriginal children taken from their parents by force by over-zealous religious groups, and frequently subjected to horrendous abuse. A painful episode in the life of our country.

I've posted a song by Roach, which is very sweet.

Thanks Ruby.


  1. Such a sad story Magpie. Sounds like Ruby and Archie were very special people. The song is wonderful!

  2. Hi Sue.

    Some time back I was listening to another song by Archie Roach, which told a story of the stolen generations. Later on, as I learned more about him, and about Ruby, I connected the dots and realised the song was actually about her childhood, and he enters the story of the song toward the end.
    And not every Australian knows of Archie and Ruby, and what they sing about. I think every country may have an inner story which not everyone in that country gets to hear.

  3. An awesome song, but a very sad loss. Such a cool couple whose spirits showed in their incredibly dedicated and unselfish work.

    I love Archie's music and buy every album I encounter since you introduced him to me. I'm sad for his loss.

  4. Glad you are able to find his stuff over there, boomer.
