The objects in this picture, as captured by the Hubble Telescope... don't exist anymore.
What we are seeing are things as they were before there were people, before there was even the planetary object that would evolve into what we know as Earth.
Looking 13 billion years back in time.
The Big Bang event that we understand to have created the present universe is reckoned to have happened less than a billion years prior to the time the light of these objects started its journey to Hubble's mirrors.
And when the James Webb Space Telescope (doubtless named after the blogger of Brain Rage, the intellectual elitist, political junkie and Southern food addict) comes online in 2014, we'll see even further into the past.
Now... if faster-than-light travel becomes a possibility and we have a strong enough telescope... we could travel out there and see ourselves being born, historical events, the prehistory of Earth.
But if you had that ability... would that be what you'd want to do? Or would you be to busy looking outwards?
I'll not live long enough to know. And perhaps I'll die happier for it. But who knows?
I'll just assume that you've already read this post, bud. Either way, gracias for the shout out. Great minds think alike, I suppose...